
Get started quickly with the Madoc Platform with Docker and a prebuilt database, with our modules configured.

To get started, pull down the madoc-example-config repository

$ git clone

Move into the repository, and run

$ docker-compose up -d

You should now be able to access the site at http://localhost:8898 and the W3C annotation server at http://localhost:8899.

You can stop the service at any time using

$ docker-compose stop

If you want to view the logs of the running containers, you can run:

$ docker-compose logs -f --tail=50
This is process is intended for local development environments only. You shold refer to our deployment documentation to install on to a server.

System requirements

We bundle a full annotation server into our distribution. You can change this in the docker-compose.yaml file if you need to. With the annotation server its recommended to run this with at least 4GB or memory free.